Thursday, October 13, 2011

Anderson Cooper Daytime Talk Show

You know that guy with the white hair that has a perma-eyebrow raise?  That's right, Mr. Cooper.  Well, my friend Nelta and her friend Patrice had tickets her sister Marie came too.

To some, the fact that I wore my super-stylish new high heel shoes prepped with foot saving materials to abort potential blisters, aches and pains would just be a piece of useless information, but to me it was the crux of the whole day- - - of which it took six days of wearing out of season shoes for the next two weeks.

We went and saw the movie I Don't Know How She Does It.  It was hilarious, but made the stay-at-home-moms look like women who do nothing more than go to the gym while their kids are at school and are just selfish busybodies.  Which, is not how the majority of stay-at-home-moms I know act.  For the record, many people think that being stay-at-home-moms is much harder than working because you are at the beck and call of your children and spouse--without pay and often no gratitude.  Many children feel it completely acceptable to holler all of their requests in a broken record sense--which many people will relate to bosses.  Soooo, no I did not agree with their concept of stay-at-home-motherhood.

For the record, I have always loved the working mothers and know they are completely capable women, that seem to make things run so smoothly they make it look effortless.  If I had a problem with the working mothers it is just that they are so busy that I don't have a chance to have a good conversation with them . . . and sometimes I envy them, just a little, because of all the adult interaction they get. . . but I am glad to be where I am.

I laughed a lot during the show and when the people from the movie came onto Mr. Cooper's show Greg Kennear and Olivia Munn kept us laughing a lot.   They had one part where they suggested that we try two different types of cookies to pick the homemade on and the store-bought (Entemanns--as per my friend's opinion) cookies. There were two lucky Sex and the City girls who won $700 bright red shoes.  The audience zeal went waaaaaay down after the comparison dawned on all of our gypped minds. 

Mr. Cooper stayed way over on the other side of the room, next to the $700 shoe people. I am not sure if you could see me on screen because of that.

He was amusing and we laughed at some of his jokes.

One thing that seemed to stand out was his answer to the girl who asked how to become like him and get to where he is now and he began to answer, "I got out and interviewed people on my own. Oh, that's not what you wanted to hear is it?" I cannot remember the rest of his answer, but what that girl did not want to hear, is exactly what I did want to hear.  Not that I want to be exactly where Mr. Cooper is now, but it's good to know where some people claim to have started.

He also mentioned that his mother used to take him to the Studios (which studios, I cannot remember). So, I guess it started long before he decided to go and interview people--like when he was three or four.

Overall I felt like my feet hurt like crazy--really--crazy.  It was very interesting to watch how it worked with a new show. More than anything I really enjoyed my friends. Even when they shook their heads, humoring me, at my hollering of the words "Silver Foooooooox." Yes, I am cheesy.

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