Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Welcome! So you're curious too, are you?

Emerson said:

The true poem is the poet's mind; the true ship is the ship builder. In the man, could we lay him open, we should see the reason for the last flourish and tendril of his work; as every spine and tint in the sea shell preexists in the secreting organs of the fish.

So I figured, if I watch these shows and they can change or mold a little of my views of the world then I need to figure out what really happens. Why do these people do what they do? Why do they spend 90 hours a week preparing entertainment for the rest of us? What drives them? How do they have any sort of other life?

In my quest to find out the probing answers I decided to attempt to understand, head on.

When these people decide this is going to be their career, it is somewhat like this:

Do you take this set to be your lengthy wedded life?
I do.
I set, I do.

Alright, I admit, that is super corny but it seems that these very talented and focused people do little else with their lives than eat, sleep, and film.

That doesn't mean they are all in there are one happy family, guffawing over a joke one member of the jovial staff made. There seems to be a hierarchy with the production staff (director, producers, lead actors) the royalty--the rest of the people are crews. There are several teams that all work in tandem:
lighting, electricity, props, production assistants (the slaves), the stand-ins, the extras, safety people, movie/tv unit cops, etc.

So if I want to meet the ship builder/ship. I'm going to see the real show--the show makers. I'm going to take a peek into that seemingly closed shell and extrapolate knowledge and understanding (I hope)!

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